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Trading with confidence: using listed options to your advantage

Trading is an incredibly complex and diverse field, with a wide range of products available to investors across the globe. While stocks, commodities and currencies have long been favoured by those looking to diversify their portfolios or take advantage of market conditions, listed options can offer additional control and flexibility when managing investments. For traders in the UK specifically, listed options can be highly advantageous, offering potential rewards and protection from downside risk. Here we discuss how traders can use listed options to their advantage for maximum benefit when investing in the UK.

Reduced exposure

One of the primary benefits of trading with listed options is their ability to reduce exposure risk. By only buying a portion of the underlying asset, traders can leverage their funds and maximise returns while reducing the amount of capital required for investment. Therefore, traders can take advantage of market conditions without committing large amounts of money upfront, thus preparing for any potential downside movement in the markets. Furthermore, if an option expires worthless, it reduces overall losses instead of investing directly into the asset.

Increased flexibility

Listed options allow investors to tailor their strategies based on current market conditions and potential outcomes. It gives them increased flexibility when managing their investments, as they can buy or sell options quickly, depending on the situation. Traders can also take advantage of several strategies, such as buying a call option and selling a put option simultaneously, referred to as a “straddle”. This technique allows traders to benefit from both rising and falling markets. Moreover, listed options are available for a range of expiry dates, so traders can find the timeframe that best suits their goals and risk appetite.

Limited risks

Another critical advantage of listed options is that losses are limited to the amount paid for the option premium. Therefore, investors can only lose the initial cost of the option if it expires worthless, unlike when investing directly into an asset where potential losses are unlimited. Furthermore, traders can limit their losses by purchasing contracts within their risk appetite and time horizon. It helps to manage the potential risks of trading with listed options while allowing traders more control over the amount they invest.


Listed options offer leverage, meaning that investors can purchase a more significant position than they can afford with cash alone. It gives traders additional buying power and allows them to take advantage of market conditions without committing large amounts of capital upfront. Using leverage, investors can increase their returns while maintaining control over their investments, allowing them to reap the rewards without taking unnecessary risks. Additionally, listed options allow traders to gain exposure to various markets without committing capital for each asset.

Lower costs

Listed options offer traders the opportunity to benefit from lower costs. When trading with listed options, investors do not have to pay commissions or extra fees for entry and exit positions, as no brokerages are involved in the transaction. Therefore, traders can save money when investing with listed options compared to buying stocks directly. Additionally, since listed options are traded electronically on exchanges such as EUREX or ICE Futures Europe, there is no need for a clearing house which can reduce overall costs associated with transactions. Traders can also trade listed options with Saxo Bank.

Tax benefits

Another critical advantage of trading with listed options is the potential for tax benefits. Many investors use listed options to reduce their exposure to capital gains when investing in the UK. Profits from listed option sales are usually taxed lower than direct investment into stocks. Furthermore, losses can be offset against capital gains, which can minimise overall investment costs and provide an additional avenue of return on investments. Moreover, traders may benefit from inheritance tax or stamp duty exemptions.

In conclusion

Listed options offer a range of advantages to traders in the UK, from increased flexibility and limited risks to lower costs and potential tax benefits. With listed options, investors can tailor their strategies according to current market conditions and gain exposure to various markets without committing large amounts of capital upfront. By using these methods, traders can potentially benefit from increased returns while maintaining control over their investments and minimising overall costs.